Thursday, January 19, 2012


My general topic is Fate/Destiny (thank you to Sam Udolf). My foci will be Frodo from Lord of the Rings (all three of the movies) and Oskar from Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close. I want to compare both of these characters to see if everything they've ever done has led up to the point of their stories. Everyone keeps telling Frodo that is only him who can destroy the ring and when he finally fulfills his "destiny" he realizes he can't go back to who he was before. On the other hand, was Oskar's dad's death supposed to happen all along so that it could give Oskar life. Was he meant to find the key and go on that journey that ended anticlimactic, but is able to start a new happier life because of it...

^^that might not make sense at all.... it's still really up in the air.


  1. Hey Xochil. Although I've seen a couple of the Lord of the Rings movies, I only vaguely remember them and I haven't read the LOTR books. I do know the gist of the series though. Frodo and Oskar are similar characters who both embark on a lengthy journey that they were both meant to do and ultimately benefit from. I'm not sure that Oskar's dad had to or was supposed to do die to "give Oskar life" as you said. Oskar was meant to go on a long journey even though the entire journey could have been much much shorter and ended in his first meeting with Abbie Black. This part confused me a little: "I want to compare both of these characters to see if everything they've ever done has led up to the point of their stories."

  2. I mean I have kind of been changing my idea because before I wanted to focus on the idea of fate and destiny in it... but now I want to focus on their journey and the meaning of each of their objects (the key and the ring) and how they affect both frodo and Oskar in different ways and what happens after they lose/ give up their object.
