Sunday, January 29, 2012


Topic: Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and the Lord of the Rings trilogy.

Focus: The object (the ring and the key) that the characters are given and the journey it takes them through.

Thesis: In both Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close and the Lord of the Rings trilogy, the main characters, Frodo and Oskar are given an object that takes them on a journey. Throughout this journey they are both understanding more about the world and learning how to understand themselves. These objects that they are given become each of the character’s life but they eventually lose the object, which was their life for so long. At the end of their journey Oskar is so easily able to move on, and it actually helps him because he realizes that his life doesn’t have just one meaning and he doesn’t need an object to define him. On the other hand, Frodo is unable to return to his life or move on and has to leave to find something new to depend on.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Xochil,
    I like how you've related the lives of both Frodo and Oscar together in such a creative way, but I think you need to talk more about why Oscar has such an easier time giving up the key than Frodo has giving up the ring. I think that Oscar's reliance on the key is more of a mental addiction than a physical one, where as Frodo needs to have the ring to feel whole. In writing your paper I think it would be helpful to come up with a list of similaritis and differences between the ring and the key.
    Ben :D
